Death of A Soldier (1986)
- Duration: 01:36:00
- Year: 1986
- Rating: NR
- Cast: James Coburn, Bill Hunter, Reb Brown, Maurie Fields, Max Fairchild, Belinda Davey, Randall Berger, Michael Pate, Jon Sidney, Nell Johnson, Pippa Wilson, Kim Rushworth, John McTernan, Earl Francis, Ron Pinnell, Len Kaserman, John Cottone, Lisa Aldenhoven, Nigel Bradshaw, Anthea Roordink, Mary Charleston, Chris Connelly, Robin Harrison, Peter Hosking, Dave Gray, Ian Shrives, David Arnett, Malcolm Lomax, Jeanette Leigh, Frank Thring, Don White, Paul Michael Young, Bill Fozzard, Burt Cooper, Jon Craig, Rowena Mohr, Simon Hughes, Kath Gordon, Paul Russell, Nicci Lane, Peter Gaudian, Tim Hughes, Gennie Nevinson, John F. Howard, David Frezza, Duke Bannister, John Murphy, Brian Adams, Arthur Sherman, Ken Wayne, John Benton, Patrick Frost, John Higgins, Anna Peacock, Antoinette Byron, Paul Karo, Terence Donovan, Elizabeth Crockett, Brian Woeller, Geoff Parry, Perry Atfield, Jasper Bagg, Mark Clarke, Rebecca Dines, Carol Hitchcock
- Directors: Philippe Mora
- Writers: William L. Nagle
- Genre: Cult Classic, Drama, Military, Military|WWII, War|WWII, War, Mystery
James Coburn, a military lawyer, defends a man who confesses to brutal murders to "possess" victims' voices. As he argues his client's mental incapacity, he uncovers an army cover-up shifting blame to the accused, revealing a tangled web of deception.